- Calories 480
- Total Fat: 20g
- Cholesterol 60mg
- Sodium: 220 mg
- Total Carbohydrates: 71g
- Protein 5g
* Sauteed fish with onions, tomatoes, and Peruvian spices. Served with yuca and steamed rice.
* Sauteed fish with onions, tomatoes, and Peruvian spices. Served with yuca and steamed rice.
El Tesoro Del Inca’s anniversary
In the heart of a bustling district, among the city lights and the vibrant energy of a metropolis, there stood a gem of Peruvian cuisine: “El Tesoro del Inca.” Its name, meaning “The Inca’s Treasure,” was a homage to the rich culinary heritage of Peru. The mastermind behind this culinary haven was Eduardo Torres, a man whose passion for Peruvian flavors was as deep as his roots in the Andean highlands.
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